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Helite Airbag GP Air 2; Speciellt framtaget till dig som åker med race-ställ med puckel.
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Helite Airbag GP AIR 2 Track Vest; Speciellt framtaget till dig som åker med race-ställ med puckel, nu med utbytbara slitdelar.
Detta franska företag hör till en av de få som har lång erfarenhet inom airbag-teknologi.
Helite, för användning inom flertalet sporter. Idag utvecklar och säljer Helite produkter för exempelvis MC, ridsport samt hängflygning.
Produkterna för MC är godkända och CE-testade under den nya normen för airbag-system anpassade för MC-bruk (EN-1621-4:2011)
samt testas även löpande av Helite själva på fristående laboratorier och institut.
Plaggen är konstruerade för att täcka och skydda en så stor del av överkroppen som möjligt. De ger ett gott skydd av bla. nacke, ryggrad, bröstkorg, höfter och inre organ.
Vid en olycka fylls västen med kolsyra från en patron vilken utlöses mekaniskt via en rem som fästs på motorcykeln. Denna rem bör fästas i ramdel framför föraren och helst så lågt som möjligt.
Första bilden i vår bildserie visar västen i uppblåst läge. Uppblåsningen av Helite Airbag GP AIR 2 Track Vest till optimalt tryck sker på endast 0,075 sekunder sen skyddar den nacke, ryggrad, bröstkorg/revben, bäcken etc, den tömmer sig sedan automatiskt under ett par minuter, kolsyrepatronen som fyllt airbagen byts enkelt ut och mekanismen återställs med hjälp av en vanlig insexnyckel.
Därefter är produkten klar att användas igen, med andra ord är produkterna pålitliga, enkla att installera och mycket driftsäkra. Dessutom kan de användas på ett obegränsat antal fordon och är återanvändbara vilket gör de mycket prisvärda jämfört med mer komplicerade elektroniska system. Enkel konstruktion som fungerar, gammal hederlig mekanisk teknik, inga batterier som kan ta slut.
Helite uppblåsbara skyddsväst är en mycket bra uppfinning för säkrare MC-åkning!
Produkterna från Helite är 100% tillverkade inom EU.
Helite CE-godkänd GP-Air 2 Track Vest tillverkas i storlek S - XL och för dig som behöver större midja storlek LL-LXL.
CE certified airbag
The World's Most Reliable Airbag System Just Got Faster...
For the highest level of safety for any motorcyclists Helite introduces the Helite GP Air Airbag Track Vest. Practical, lightweight and discreet with an all new aerodynamic design and flexible fit, the GP Air Track Vest has been specially developed for the race track.
While continuing to protect any rider wearing it from serious injury, the design of the GP Air focuses on aerodynamic design while making space for your suit's hump. This vest guarantees optimum protection without sacrificing comfort. The airbag system boasts full protection covering your head and neck, spine, chest, ribs, pelvis, pancreas, liver, lungs, etc. with a full-inflation time of under 80-milliseconds when deployed. That makes it the fastest mechanically triggered airbag system on the planet.
The GP Air Track Vest utilizes Helite's patented TURTLE technology with one exception: the TURTLE effect has been DOUBLED! Not only does the back of the vest have protective armor. The front of the GP Air has integrated body armor as well! This means an even higher level of protection than ever before.
Helite vest GP Air especially for the racetrack
The GP-Air vest has been specially developed for the racetrack. Particular emphasis was placed on the aerodynamics with body-tight seat and space for the backbone. In order to make the vest even more robust, 1.2 mm thick cow leather was used as the upper material in the chest and back area. The soft soft collar ensures maximum wearing comfort and ensures that the helmet is optimally supported during a fall.
Renovations to the predecessor GP Air
- On the back Velcro areas were attached which are provided with removable leather parts. These leather parts can be replaced individually after a fall and even provided with sponsor logos / patches.
- The longer back area provides better protection at the bottom edge of the vest and is also provided with Velcro, allowing easy access to the airbag.
- The side stretch panels are now made of leather. These are more durable than the regular stretch inserts.
- Full protection for back, neck, spine, chest, ribs, pelvis, head, internal organs etc.
- 18 liter protection volume.
- Fast trip time of 75 ms.
- Optimum pressure.
Outstanding protection with Turtle technology
- Back and breast protector for the double turtle effect.
- Hard outer protector in combination with the shock-absorbing air cushion for optimum shock absorption and protection against penetration.
- Designed and tested on the race track of drivers for drivers.
- Body-tight fit with elastic sides and space for the bump.
High abrasion resistant materials
- Very strong abrasion resistance with leather (cow hide 1,2 mm) + foam to protect the airbag chamber.
Reconditioning - Fast reactivation
- The CO2 capsule can be renewed quickly and easily by the driver himself.
Mechanical trigger system
- Helite airbags are 100% mechanically triggered to avoid flaws, failure and changing of batterie.
No special tool or technical knowledge is required to attach the pull cord to the vehicle.
- On the back Velcro areas were attached which are provided with removable leather parts. These leather parts can be replaced individually after a fall and even provided with sponsor logos / patches.
In addition to the mandatory Turtle Protector in the back area, the GP Air 2 has an additional chest protector, which also covers the trigger unit and the capsule. This creates the double turtle effect. Elastic inserts on the sides of the waistcoat ensure a tight fit, so that the vest can be safely held at high speeds. The biggest special feature of the Helite GP Air 2 is the neckline in the back. Through this, the vest can be worn over racing kits with a large aerodynamic hump.
At the front, the vest is closed with several Velcro straps, which are easy to handle even with gloves.
Helite has optimized the triggering time of the vest to 75ms, so that the 18 liter protection volume is available even faster.
Like the other helical systems, the GP Air 2 Race Jacket provides protection for the neck, spine, chest, pelvis, coccyx, head, bones and internal organs. In addition to an immense impact protection, the airbag stabilizes the entire upper body against twisting and supports the neck and neck effectively in the event of a crash.
The triggering is effected by means of a pull-cord, which is fixedly connected to the vehicle and is plugged into the vest as it rises. It is important that the tear line is optimally adjusted. This means as long as necessary but as short as possible.
Unintentional release by forgetting the detachment of the pull-cord when descending from the vehicle is very unlikely since a force of about 300Nm is required to actuate the airbag.
By replacing the CO2 cartridge, the vest is immediately ready for use after a fall.
This vest was developed and tested by racers for racers. The optimal solution for those who also attach great importance to optimum protection on the racetrack.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the helmet racing jacket GP-Air 2
Why is the GP Air 2 better suited for race track use than Airnest or Turtle?
- The GP Air 2 has been specially developed for use on the racetrack. It is significantly more abrasion-resistant and rugged than the Airnest. The focus of this vest is on aerodynamics, a perfect body-tight fit, as well as sufficient space for the aerodynamic bump. In addition, it provides double turtle protection.
What kind of protector is installed in the GP Air 2?
- For better protection we decided to use a chest and back protector. The double turtle protection is ensured by the combination of air cushions and body armor protectors. BodyArmour has proved itself in numerous tests as an optimal protector for the GP Air 2.
Does the trigger unit disturb me while driving?
- The vest is completely smooth at the front and the capsule is integrated into the protector so that you can not feel it while driving.
What is the use of the Velcro fastener?
- We use the red velcro closure to ensure that the vest is sufficiently closed. Only if the red velcro is not visible, the safety of the vest is ensured.
How long does the airbag need to be released until it is empty again?
- The airbag must remain inflated for some time in order to protect also in slides and later impacts. It takes 5-7 minutes for the airbag to deaerate by itself. If the capsule is turned out of the vest, the airbag is immediately empty. You can also open and unhook the airbag immediately after the accident.
Sökord; Helite Airbag GP-Air, Helite Airbag GPAir, Helite GP-Air Track Väst, GP-Väst
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